



5月19号-21号配件制造 我们不见不散哦~


丹阳德顺刺绣机械有限公司创建于1999年,是一家专业研发设计、生产、销售电脑绣花机配件的高新技术企业配件制造 。公司座落于江苏丹阳,占地面积1万5千余平方米,地处长江金三角经济圈。距常州国际机场20公里,临近常泰高速入口,区域内座拥上海、杭州两大港口,地理位置得天独厚,交通便捷。

德顺一直处于国内领先水平,为一线品牌绣花机提供配件配件制造 。公司主营产品包括绣花机机头组件、过线盒夹线器组件和针杆箱组件。十多年间,公司依靠科技创新稳步发展,有效提高综合实力,已通过ISO9001:2015质量体系认证。

依靠先进的生产加工设备、精密的检测装置和完善的质量管理体系;结合精湛的加工工艺和高素质人才,专业化生产高质量精密零部件产品配件制造 。自创办以来,公司产品从设计、开发到制作,皆全面满足客户需求,产品远销国内外各大市场,是业内具有一定影响力的配套企业。




Founded in 1999, Danyang Deshun Embroidery Machinery Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer specialized in high precision spare parts of computerized embroidery machine. Located in the economic golden triangle of Yangtze River, it has a large production base covering an area of 15 thousand square meters, 20 kilometres eastward to Changzhou International Airport and close to the Shanghai and Hangzhou ports that make the transportation particularly convenient.

Deshun has been supplying for the leading brands of embroidery machine manufacturers. We are mainly engaged in the production and sales of the spare parts for Machine Head, Needle Bar Case and Tension Set for various types of embroidery machines. Over the last decade, we have kept steady growth of high technology and superior quality. The company is equipped with advanced CNC machineries, precise inspection devices and ERP system for production management and has obtained the ISO9001: 2015 certificate. With high technology and profound understanding from design, development to manufacturing, we help our customers from domestic and overseas to achieve optimum performance of their machines. We have established good reputation and credit in this sector by providing customers with high quality products and services at preferable prices, and become a most sophisticated cooperator of the global embroidery machine manufacturers. Our customers have come to trust and rely on our products consistently.

On the principle of “Be faithful, be innovative”, we are committed to serving our customers with the best services and solutions. We sincerely welcome friends from all over the world to develop together and contribute to the embroidery industry.


